Download PDF: RAC Communique 2012-09
Welcome to the third issue of 2012, in which we present one new case that potentially covers all the topics from the past 12 months. Our intention is to consolidate the lessons from the past five Residential Aged Care Communiqué (RACC) issues.
For the first time, we also broach the topic we have been avoiding for a long time, how to use numbers and statistics to analyse clinical care and manage risk. Our approach will help readers to a better understanding of measuring aspects of care and to interpret quality indicators.
Hopefully you are still reading and have not been deterred by the mention of statistics. First, a word of reassurance, we intend to maintain the longstanding existing format of the RACC by presenting the stories or narratives in our usual case reports. Second, we are introducing numbers slowly and in small steps. In this issue, there are no equations and; Dr Jeffcott describes why some of us prefer numbers and others prefer stories to improve care.
Finally, we value any suggestion or questions from our readers about aspects of statistics and quality indicators that we should answer in future issues.