Download PDF: RAC Communique 2010-12 SpecialEd2
Welcome to the second special edition of “Residential Aged Care-Practice Change” focusing on learning from practice change completed at individual Residential Aged Care Services (RACS). This brings us to a total of five RAC Communiqué editions for 2010. Our plans for 2011 are to publish four editions based on cases and one special edition on practice change.
As you may recall, the examples of “changes to practice” are drawn from participants in the qualitative research study conducted in Australia in 2009, in which subscribers responded to a request to provide details through semi-structured interviews about their self-reported practice changes. The participants verified the data collected during interviews and we analysed all the interviews to identify factors that facilitated or acted as barriers to the reported practice change.
This issue describes two practice change studies drawn from this work using the familiar style and format of the RAC-Communiqué. Our hope is the experiences of these Residential Aged Care Services (RACS) will assist and motivate other RACS overcome the barriers we all face in changing practice.
The Residential Aged Care Services practice changes described relate to improving the clinical care for diabetes mellitus and falls management.
This issue opens with an expert commentary about change management and evidence based practice from Dr Deirdre Fetherstonhaugh. We hope by reading the expert commentary first it will give our readers greater insights into the case studies.